To take the first step in your path towards positive change, personal growth, and overall wellness, please click on the link, which will direct you to a secure client portal with instructions to begin our intake process. In order for consideration to become a client, all documents must be completely filled, signed, and submitted, in order for us to: ensure our clinicians will be able to help you with your particular journey; and to schedule you with the clinician who will best fit your individualistic needs. We look forward to embarking on your journey with you.
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Responses to email or to the intake forms are intended only to provide general information. No professional psychological or consultant relationship is established through such correspondence. Professional relationships require informed consent and formal agreement between the client and clinician. Regulus Counseling clinicians are licensed in the states of Washington, Utah, Colorado, and Florida; while some states may allow for limited short-term practice without specific state licenses (such as in response to the pandemic), Regulus Counseling restricts the practice only to those states in which Regulus Counseling clinicians are licensed, or where it has been established that limited practice is allowed by law. The information provided on this site is solely for the purpose of providing general and introductory information to clients as to the services provided by Regulus Counseling.
(206) 395-6088
701 Fifth Ave Ste #42
Seattle, WA 98104
Mon – Fri: 8am – 6pm
We are here to help
We are a team of therapists dedicated in working with individuals to develop healthy coping skills for daily stresses, life transitions, healing from PTSD and other trauma, to generate positive change. One community we are passionate in supporting are those who exhibit strength and courage on a daily basis: First Responders, including Law Enforcement Officers, or LEOs. We understand the unique needs and challenges associated with the First Responder community (including trauma), and challenges the families of First Responders face. We welcome, and are dedicated in helping all individuals embarking on their journey towards healing, personal growth, and overall wellness, illuminated by the lion’s guiding light, transitioning into a new beginning.
Traumatic events are the events which make you believe that your life is in imminent danger of serious injury or losing your life; these terrible events include accidents, assaults, or natural disasters. Individuals who have endured trauma may experience shock and denial; longer-term reactions can include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and physical symptoms. These feelings are normal, but some people may have difficulty moving forward. Our clinicians are specialized in working with survivors of trauma, navigating those emotions as we find the path, together, with constructive tools in managing these emotions. [Learn More]
Work and Organizational Stress
We have all experienced stress in our profession, adversely affecting both work and family life. These challenges may seem overwhelming, but you can regain control. You have the power to reorganize your life to reprioritize what is most important, to regain balance. Our clinicians can guide your path in discovering insights into alternative perspectives to re-evaluate, re-energize and re-engage. [Learn More]
New and First Generation Americans
We are experienced in working with new- and first-generation Americans in the unique, and at times, difficult circumstances they experience: assimilating to American (or Western) culture, while also remaining true to their traditions; re-establishing roots in a new environment with vastly different customs and traditions, while finding suitable employment; or balancing particular pressures from a family with traditional values and expectations, with remaining true to their aspirations and selves. [Learn More]
Anxiety, Depression, Life Stress
Life can be demanding, causing additional stress and uncertainty, which can lead to anxiety or depression, compounded to daily, general stresses. We believe in the strength each person possesses, and their capability to harness that strength to overcome adversity, to actively create positive change. [Learn More]
Men's Issues
Men and women can experience mental health difficulties, where there are noticeable differences between the issues affecting them, particularly the factors which may influence those issues. Men’s issues can often originate from societal expectations and traditional gender roles, which may cause increased pressure and stresses, with an internalized ideation that he must: be the primary financial provider, display traditional “masculine” traits (strength, control)—leading to the reliance only on himself (rather than seeking help or speaking openly about his emotions). [Learn More]
One community of people we hope to empower is the LGTBQIA+ community. The LGBTAQIA+ community faces unique circumstances many people may never understand. There is an exponential risk for a variety of mental health conditions among this population, as a result of discrimination, bullying, violence, marginalization, heterosexism/cisgenderism, and homophobia, biphobia, and/or transphobia, rather than any factor inherent to identifying as an LGBTQIA+-identified individual. [Learn More]
Adjustments and Life Transitions
Life is fluid with changes and transitions, as we travel a road with alternate paths. Each path marking a hallmark in life: a first job, transitioning into a new career, earning a retirement; falling in love, building a life, family, and partnership with that person. With the fluidity of life, changes are inevitable with the path we chose, or because of uncontrollable circumstance imposed on us: our jobs are no longer challenging and we are no longer fulfilled, or we are laid off; we drift and diverge away from our partner, or our lifetime partner passes. Yet, with an end of one journey, begins another. [Learn More]
Grief and Loss
Unfortunately, in life’s journey, we will experience loss. The grieving process is natural and unique to each person, experiencing emotions such as sadness, disbelief, or anger. These emotions are normal, and it takes time to process the impact of the intensity of the loss. The best thing for you to do in the process, is to allow yourself to grieve. As grieving is a process, the time for each person will vary, but with each passing day, the pain will become less severe. An important part of the grieving process is to express your feelings, which will help you to work through the pain. [Learn More]
We believe that, for adolescents to develop in good health, they must be equipped with the right tools, engaging and giving them opportunities to develop life skills and to make conscientious choices. Our approach is to provide a supportive environment to facilitate meaningful participation, where adolescents can be empowered to develop constructive problem-solving skills and self-confidence to improve and maintain their health and wellness. [Learn More]